Nurture Your List and Build Relationships [Part 1 of Email Welcome and Newbie Series]

Nurture your list. How? The first message delivered to new subscribers sets the tone. It shows you appreciate and value them. It also sets readers’ expectations and you begin building a relationship, in earnest. Begin by creating a welcome email with your audience’s needs in mind. Explain how being a member benefits them. Since 90…
5 Tips to Build a Healthy Relationship with Email Subscribers

How to Outsource Your Profit Generating Email Newsletter to Your Assistant
Lead Magnet Opt-in Incentives: Highly Targeted Opt-In Offers [PART 1]

Opt-in… One advantage of doing business online is the ability to set up multiple sale funnels, which offer freebies and info, in exchange for the reader joining a mailing list. Setting up highly targeted opt-in offers, in order to grow your list, is the key to your success. An opt-in offer is essentially an ethical…
Email List Building Through Your Blog [Here are 4 Tips]

Email list building is one of the most significant aspects of having a blog and this blog must be an active one. You would want all your readers and visitors to feel compelled to sign up for your email list. What you can do to achieve this is to always provide consistent and valuable content…
Email Inbox – How to Organize It? Here are 6 Ways…

A disorganized, overflowing email inbox can be a daunting obstacle to overcome. Spam and junk email quickly adds up to a constant stream of distracting correspondence. This clutter can make you less productive, especially if email is a major part of your job. Not only that – important messages can end up getting lost among…