Mobile SEO – Here are 10 Secrets to Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Mobile SEO – how do you make sure that your website is optimized for mobile use? How different is this from regular SEO (search engine optimization)? Below are 10 tips to help your mobile website go up the ranks in search engines: 1. Top of the list Ensure that you create a mobile Site Map.…
Blog Refresh – How to Know When It’s Time to Do It – Here are 3 Signs

Blog refresh – have you done this lately? Your blog is often the first place any prospect has contact with you and your business. It stands to reason then that your blog has to make a good impression. Unfortunately, with so much attention focused on sales and marketing, the blog design and content often gets…
How to Earn from Blogging? Here are 3 Awesome Ways

Earn from blogging? Admit it, the reason why you want to blog, better yet, be a rockstar blogger, is because you want to earn from your blog, right? You want to grow your business from there. And I right or am I right? Of course, I am. And I know you do want to earn…
Going Mobile – The Most Significant Aspect

Going mobile? Perhaps you’re very eager to start earning big bucks with your mobile? Well, hold your horses! You first have to properly set up, optimize, tweak, add in mobile directories to your mobile website before you start earning money from it. Below are some tips you need to know before going mobile and going…
Repurpose Podcasts – How You Can Create More Relevant Content

How to repurpose podcasts? If there is a perfect example of content you can repurpose, it’s podcast. Below is a screenshot of Melissa Ingold’s blog: Time Freedom Business. The blog has a podcast which usually features interviews with other successful people. This podcast then becomes a blog post. The blog post has a blurb that…