Mobile SEO – Here are 10 Secrets to Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Mobile SEO – how do you make sure that your website is optimized for mobile use? How different is this from regular SEO (search engine optimization)? Below are 10 tips to help your mobile website go up the ranks in search engines: 1. Top of the list Ensure that you create a mobile Site Map.…
Going Mobile – The Most Significant Aspect

Going mobile? Perhaps you’re very eager to start earning big bucks with your mobile? Well, hold your horses! You first have to properly set up, optimize, tweak, add in mobile directories to your mobile website before you start earning money from it. Below are some tips you need to know before going mobile and going…
Mobile Website Branding – Why is It Important?

Are you too focused on branding the business that you have? If you are, take note that your mobile website can either help or hurt this process. But let us define branding first. What does that term mean – “branding”? Branding is the practice of making an instantly recognizable logo, site, color scheme or any…
Mobile Website – Tips On How To Redirect Your Visitors Here

One user-friendly mobile website today is Twitter. Another very popular mobile website is Facebook. This is actually good news for those who are using mobile-friendly websites because as people click on links on FB and Twitter status updates, they are then taken to the blog’s or website’s mobile version. What you can do so this can be set…