Client’s Needs – Tips to Make Sure They are Clearly Communicated

client's needs

Client’s needs should always be clearly communicated. When you take on a new project or task for a client, it’s important to get all of the necessary information. And the sooner you can gather the details the better. It’s not always easy to make sure you have what you need to get started. The following…

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Ineffective Communication With Your VA – Here Are Three Signs

Miscommunication with VA

Ineffective communication with your virtual assistant is not good for your business. Your VA is someone that you rely on. They help handle the tasks and responsibilities that consume your time, giving you the ability to focus on what matters most to you. However, when there are communication challenges or gaps, it can hurt your business. Learning…

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Essential Skills For Effective Team Management

team management

As a business owner you probably already know that you cannot do it all yourself. You may have hired someone to create your logo, for example, or to design your website. You may have hired an accountant to help you with your year-end taxes too. Striving to grow your business often requires larger scale projects.…

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