The pre-launch process is perhaps one of the most active phases of the launch process. You’re looking at your well-laid plans and taking action. You’re connecting the dots, so to speak. It can be an overwhelming time if you’re not prepared for it. The following steps will help you have a powerfully productive and efficient pre-launch.
Step #1 Create a Timetable for the Whole Pre-launch Process
Take a look at all the tasks that need to be completed in order to launch on time. Grab a calendar and start scheduling their completion. For example, maybe you have an autoresponder series that is going out for two weeks prior to the launch date. Those messages need to be written and uploaded into your autoresponder system. You’ll want to schedule those tasks. Having a timetable helps you make sure you’re on track to launch.
Step #2 Sales Page
The sales page can take time to write. If you’re writing it, consider getting the outline worked out early. Then you can begin to fill in the gaps and test various elements before your launch. If you’re hiring a copywriter, hire them now and make sure to give them a deadline that leaves you with plenty of wiggle room. You want time for revisions, just in case. Your sales page links will also need to be tested.
Step #3 Marketing Content
How are you going to market your launch? What blog posts, email messages, articles and press releases need to be written? Make a list and hire a writer or start the content creation process. Keep in mind that content doesn’t need to be print. You can create videos, interviews, infographics, podcasts and photos or memes too.
Make a list of every piece of content that you want to publish as part of your launch. Remember there will be launch promotion messages as well as reminders and follow ups. Create an editorial calendar that outlines when the content will be published so you can make sure to have it ready well in advance. Again, with your content it’s also important to make sure any links that are included function properly and take readers to the correct page.
As you can see, your pre-launch steps overlap a bit. You’ll need your sales page and opt-in pages created before you release any content to promote your launch. You’ll want to have your team hired and in place before the content creation process begins.
There is a lot to do. You can leverage both technology and people to help you manage the pre-launch process. Make sure to give yourself and your team plenty of time to work through this process. A successful launch requires a successful pre-launch. Plan for success and stay organized for the best results.
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