Pre-Launch Process – 3 Steps to a Powerful One

The pre-launch process is perhaps one of the most active phases of the launch process. You’re looking at your well-laid plans and taking action. You’re connecting the dots, so to speak. It can be an overwhelming time if you’re not prepared for it. The following steps will help you have a powerfully productive and efficient…
Ecommerce Business – How to Streamline It

When it comes to streamlining any ecommerce business and making it both more efficient and more profitable, there is a fundamental four-step approach. The approach begins with planning your business. It then explores how you can both automate and delegate. Let’s explore each step in a bit more depth. 1. Planning Your Ecommerce Business Take…
Social Media Marketing Time – 5 Strategies to Maximize It

Let’s be upfront about social media marketing. It’s an essential component of a solid marketing strategy and necessary to grow a business in today’s market. It’s also extraordinarily time consuming. Good social media marketing requires daily effort. So how do you stay sane, market your business, and actually get other stuff done? Here are 5…
WordPress – 7 Burning Questions Answered on How to Switch

Decided to take the leap and convert your entire site to WordPress yet worried about the process? No matter where you’re coming from, the process can be intimidating and I bet you’ll have some nagging questions about it all. Hopefully, this post will help answer some of those questions and put you at ease. #1 …
Video Content Marketing – 10 Tweetable Statistics

Video content marketing is now the way to go. Video is one of the most often viewed and shared forms of content online. You’ll even see video clips pulled from social media and integrated into your television morning news reports. Video has become a part of our lives as consumers and professionals. That makes it…