Email Subscribers – How to Build a Relationship with Them

email subscribers

Email marketing is still one of the most powerful ways to build a loyal base of email subscribers. While many organizations focus much of their marketing time and energy on social media, you just can’t create the same relationship via social media that you can with email. However, it’s not enough just to send an email. The following tips will help you build relationships and create a loyal base of email subscribers.

1. Be consistent with your email.

Relationships aren’t built with the occasional hello. They’re built with consistent connections. That means that you want to send your list an email message at least once a week. The monthly or twice a month message probably isn’t enough. Keep in mind that your messages don’t need to be long-winded. A short message can be just as powerful as a long message.

2. Offer value to your email subscribers.

While you’re striving to send your list consistent messages, it’s also important to focus on quality. Make sure that each message offers your prospects something that benefits them. It can educate, entertain, inform or help them improve their lives in some way.

You can also sell and promote in your email, however, make sure that the majority of your messages are about providing value, not making sales. For example, you might send a weekly email message and every three weeks you might add a promotional message to the mix.

3. Be conversational.

Write your email message as if you’re writing a note to a friend. Use conversational language. You can use the words, “You,” “We,” and “I.” You can also address the email to the individual and use their name to personalize your message.

For example, you might start with “Dear Joe.” Another option is to personalize the headline. For example, “Joe, Have You Seen These 10 Tips?” Many autoresponder technologies offer the ability to personalize your message. If the one you’re currently using doesn’t, consider trying a new service. Many experts recommend personalizing the salutation, but not the subject line. Try both and test and track the results.

4. Make it easy for your email subscribers.

Make subscribing and unsubscribing easy for your list. Make clicking on links and accessing information simple and straightforward. That means fast load times, text-only options, easy-to-find buttons, and easy-to-follow calls to action.

5. Finally, consider giving stuff away for free.

Share links to downloads and special offers. Make your email subscribers feel like they’re part of a special group, and reward them for being part of the group. Invite them to connect with you on social media. Ask them for their opinion and treat your email list like the golden opportunity that it is.

Your email list is very likely your biggest business asset. It’s made up of prequalified customers who have shown an interest in your products or services. Treat them well and cultivate a relationship with them.

Email Newsletter ChecklistHow to Outsource Your Profit Generating Email Newsletter to Your Assistant

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